Tuesday, 25 December 2012

After spending the night with an important person, someone dear to me; should I acknowledge that publicly or stay silent?
When dawn arrives the feeling of contentment that enveloped me earlier in the night slowly dissipates, yet I do not feel guilty about what has happened only hours before this moment.
Is it my heart that is unfaithful, or is it simply human nature to seek comfort and love wherever it may be found?

I do not know, and a part of me does not even care which it is; as long as I can spend what might be my last minutes knowing that whatever it is that happened last night, it will not be forsaken or forgotten by that one person; but remembered and treasured as a precious memory of those few hours of complete honesty between us, even though they might have been different than either of us could have imagined before.


26. 12. 2012.